Auditing & Accreditation Renewal 

Maintaining the quality and standards of accredited institutions is a priority at the Scandic Institute of Professional and Academic Development (SIPAD). To ensure ongoing compliance and continuous improvement, we have established procedures for periodic auditing and the annual renewal of SIPAD accreditation.

  1. Periodic Auditing

    a. Documentation Review: Prior to the audit, accredited institutions are required to submit updated documentation, including reports, policies, and evidence of compliance with SIPAD standards.

    b. On-Site Visit: SIPAD conducts on-site visits to accredited institutions to assess their compliance with accreditation standards. During the visit, evaluators interact with faculty, staff, students, and stakeholders, review facilities, and evaluate the institution's overall performance.

     c. Evaluation and Analysis: The information and observations gathered during the on-site visit are carefully evaluated by SIPAD evaluators. They assess the institution's compliance with accreditation standards, identify strengths, and highlight areas that require improvement.

    d. Audit Report: A comprehensive audit report is compiled, which includes findings, recommendations, and areas that need attention or further development. The report is shared with the institution for review and response.
  2. Annual Renewal of SIPAD Accreditation

    a. Progress Evaluation: Accredited institutions are required to demonstrate progress and improvements based on the recommendations provided in the audit report. They need to provide evidence of implementing corrective actions and continuously enhancing the quality.

    b. Documentation Update: Institutions submit updated documentation, reports, and evidence of improvements to demonstrate their continued compliance with SIPAD standards.

    c. Review and Decision: SIPAD evaluators review the submitted documentation and assess the institution's progress. A decision regarding the renewal of accreditation is made based on the evaluation. If the institution meets the required criteria, the accreditation is renewed for a specified period.

    d. Follow-up Audits: In some cases, follow-up audits may be conducted to verify the implementation of corrective actions and assess the institution's ongoing compliance with accreditation standards.

The auditing and annual renewal process at SIPAD ensures that accredited institutions continually meet our high-quality standards and demonstrate continuous improvement. By conducting thorough evaluations, providing feedback, and monitoring progress, we foster a culture of excellence and drive institutions to continuously enhance their educational programs and services.

At SIPAD, we are committed to supporting the growth and development of accredited institutions, promoting quality education and professional development, and ultimately contributing to advancements in the field of education.